AEW Collision, Feb 3 on TNT: 404,000 viewers; 0.12 P18-49 rating | TV ratings, attendance analysis

AEW Collision on TNT
Sat, Feb. 3, 2024: 8:00 to 10:00 pm


404,000 viewers (P2+)
P18-49 rating: 0.12

Competition note: Collision was head-to-head with Lakers vs. Knicks on ABC which averaged 2,743,000 and a 0.71 P18-49 rating (936,000 in the age group), according to SportsMediaWatch. Most of Collision was also opposed by a college basketball game between Tennessee and Kentucky on ESPN, which started at 8:47 pm, averaging 2,525,000 viewers and a 0.75 P18-49 rating. Including reruns, Collision ranked #19 for Saturday in P18-49.

P2+ comparisons:

  • This episode vs. last week (300,000): +35%
  • This episode vs. trailing four weeks (386,000): +5%

P18-49 comparisons:

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