A note about viewership after Showbuzz Daily

Many of you know Showbuzzdaily.com stopped being updated earlier this month. Showbuzz was a very valuable resource for daily ratings updates for cable and broadcast programs that wrestling media and non-wrestling media alike relied on for viewership data for the last several years.

Showbuzzdaily’s Twitter account says they’ve had tech issues that haven’t yet been resolved but will try to return in the future. It seems unlikely they’ll return to reporting data again any time soon. 

Still, I expect viewership data for wrestling programs to continue to be reported from various sources, however I doubt we’ll be seeing quick next-day reports as we have in the past thanks to Showbuzz.

When I can I will break reports on viewership data. ( I did last night with viewership for the latest episode of Smackdown.) At times other sources like the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and PWTorch might break ratings information. On a delayed basis I hope to get demographic breakdowns of programs, which will be recorded in the Wrestlenomics Viewership Spreadsheet for patrons.

TVseriesfinale.com should continue to be a public source of overnight ratings for broadcast programs including Smackdown. I would caution though that overnights often differ by a considerable margin from final ratings reports.

In any case, all credible ratings information I find or report myself will continue to be recorded in the Wrestlenomics Viewership Spreadsheet, which will become an even more valuable resource as wrestling ratings information becomes more scattered across the internet.

Thanks for supporting, as always.
